Agent Profile - $
This is a professionally edited and narrated, one minute audio "resume” on you or your company that is accessible on every one of your Imagemaker360 Tours.
Interactive Floor Plan - $
Hot spots are added to a client-provided floor plan, enabling the visitor to be taken to the corresponding image of the room/area where the hot spot has been placed. A downloadable PDF version of the Floor Plan is also accessible on the Tour.
Hot Spots - $
Hot spots are small, red "targets" that "float" over pre-selected locations on each rotating Virtual Tour image. Where added, the visitor will be taken to the corresponding image of the room/area where the hot spot has been placed.
Single Property Website - $
Your Virtual Tour can provide all the selling points and contact information needed for a stand-alone Single Property Website. We purchase the domain (the street address of the listing) for a one-year period and incorporate the Virtual Tour directly onto this new Website.
VIEW Technology - $
This special image enhancement service provides a clearer view through the property’s most significant windows by limiting or removing the over-exposed, blown-out glare commonly associated with the windows of interior images. Image glare in reflections, mirrors, and in small or distant windows is not always corrected. This feature is available on 360° images only, and a maximum of 6 images will be enhanced.
Video Formatted MOSTour - $
Imagemaker360 can format any MOSTour into a video formatted Tour for posting onto websites such as: YouTube, Google Video, DailyMotion, Yahoo Video, WellcomeMat, AOL Video, MetaCafe, Zipvo, ActiveRain, etc.